What Are They Saying About
From Seed 2 Skin?
Here are just a few clips of some Trip Advisor reviews of the adventure that is From Seed 2 Skin...

...From Seed 2 Skin...is a once in a lifetime experience.
My week ...was transformational. We not only learned how to create our own biodynamic organic skin care, but we also immersed ourselves in the culture and community of this small village in Southern Spain. The classes were informative and hands on, from harvesting the plants to end products in jars....
Dolora, Sonora, CA

When I booked this retreat I never could have imagined how COMPLETE the herbal skincare course was going to be.
I was amazed at the fluidity and ease with which we transitioned, as the name itself says, from seed to skin.
We started with the plants themselves, live plants, identifying and harvesting.
We gradually moved forward in a natural progression to curing and drying, preparing the oils we would later work with, distilling the herbal waters, and eventually combining all of our processes until we had final products… made from those same plants, but now natural creams and shampoo for my own skin.
I am blown away!
Chris, Sacramento, CA
...I had been to Spain before, so I thought I knew what I was going to see, but I hadn’t been to Andalusia and I was surprised at how different the people and culture could be from the northern part of Spain.
The flamenco show and class were wonderful.
The food was of course amazing. The ham, the cheese, the seafood, all the local dishes, --the fresh baked bread!
Adrian, Sacramento, CA

... I recommend this to anyone wanting to experience this magic, learn about best times to plant seeds and harvest, learn how to make amazing botanical creams, saves, and soaps, and be surrounded by amazing food and inspiring people. I want to come back every year.
Jessica, San Diego, CA

...I ate amazing farm-to-fork food, drank delicious botanical cocktails and mocktails, found new friends, learned a little flamenco, did natural art projects, had time for myself for writing (I wasn't interested in yoga), watched moonrises and sunsets that I never take time for at home, and most of all learned all about how botanical natural skincare products are made. I came home with a box of delicious-smelling products I made myself, the equivalent of a full semester of education, and a lifetime's worth of experiences and new ways of looking at things.
Tukova, Czech Rep

...The week’s itinerary was all built around daily workshops where we participated in the art of harvesting, processing and distilling plants for skincare products- incredible! From Seed to Skin is a one-of-a-kind experience that I will cherish forever.
Angela, Seattle, WA